It has been a fascinating week in politics away from the House of Commons.
The local election campaigns began in earnest (what do you mean you didnt know there was an election going on? Pay attention)
Minister and gaffe-machine Margaret Hodge appears to be working for the BNP - she went on TV and declared that 90% of her constituents might vote for the racist thugs in the up-coming elections.
We have been here before surely? Ever since I moved to London in the early 90s there are the same scare stories about the BNP seizing control of a council.
Hodge has stupidly provided them with yet another bout of publicity. They only have 21 councillors in the whole country - and lets not mince words - theyre SHIT as councillors - they have no coherence, policy or ability to work for their constituents.
Sure, the white working class in places like Essex feel abandoned by Labour - they might well end up voting BNP - in fact i hope they do. Lets expose the BNP not just for the incompetent politicians they are. For all their attempts to be emmoliate their views and appear to be a moderate party, we ALL know who the BNP are. We all know that scratch the surface of leader Nick Griffin and the same far-right Nazi fascists are actually the bulk of the party.
Diane Abbott is not a woman I agree with often, but her comments on the BNP made most sense to me. Diane pointed out that if we follow the BNP's "narrative" then we are helping them. By all means lets discuss the problems of the white working class. But let's refute any sugggestion that London's housing problems are caused by asylum seekers. Let us expose the stupid lies they tell to get people to vote for them.
Above all let the Labour party think about its core voters and for once stop chasing the middle class vote like David Cameron, Ming Campbell and whatever nobody is "principal spokes-human" for the Greens this week.
I know that English people will never end up like France, with far-right parties like LePen's Front Nationale taking 25 or 30% of the vote. It is interesting that within the context of the south-east of England, the BNP have no support in boroughs such Hackney, Tower Hamlets or Southwark where there ARE large ethnic populations living side by side.
They operate in communities with a small and visible ethnic presence - then they lie about the effects those immigrants have on the local community. All parties, but especially Labour, must tackle the BNP head on - ridicule them. Laugh at their "policies".
But do not please take tactical advice from Margaret Hodge.