While attending a meeting about the meaning of freedom at Portcullis House tonight, I found myself locked out of the building, along with hundreds of others.
A major security alert led to the entire parliamentary complex being locked down. No-one was allowed to enter or leave for almost an hour. I could see gangs of distressed MPs such as Liam Fox and Michael Gove on their mobiles, explaining they literally couldn't leave.
It was revealed later that a man had thrown a suspect powder around in the central lobby. He was protesting a decision of the High Court that had left him bankrupt.
Police concerns about anthrax or other airborne poisons led to the lockdown. Lessons were learnt from the Fathers4Justice protest two years ago where protesters threw a purple powder at Tony Blair during PMQ. On that occasion the PM and others left the chamber and the building - potentially infecting a large area. Hence the lockdown, barring people for leaving or entering the building.
Eventually I got inside. Going through the scanners, I forgot that my dictaphone was in one of my pockets. It set off the alrams and I was body searched vigourously. It was quite a turn-on actually.