Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Westminster is a village

Last night went to a gay networking event at the very plush Langley bar. Well when I say plush, it was no more or less well-designed and laid out than any other London bar. They just seem to think that they can charge about 3.50 for a bottle of beer and that no-one will bat an eyelid. It is like a sophisticated game of chicken - customers will not complain about being over-charged because that shows they are too poor to be in the venue in the first place. Well let me make a stand - it's disgusting the amount of over-charging for alcohol that goes on in London.
Before going to the Langley we were in a bar called Trash Palace, a kind of indie venue. Pints of Carling? 1.50 each.
The event was run by and there was an good turnout of political types. It was nice to see Welsh nationalist MP Adam Price there talking to what I assume were constituents. Lots of researchers and parliamentary aides were there, and I had a nice gossip with some guy from the Liberal Democrats. It seems they all knew about Simon "hello is that mantalk, I saw ur nice advert on the telly" Hughes. The Oaten affair was something of a shock to the whole party.
Despite the ludicrous pricing, it was an excellent event - and it was nice to go to a gay event where there were no camp teenagers or wheezy pensioners! Well done villagedrinks - next time try to make it less "posh" though - no one cares about that but you.