It seems we may have rejoiced prematurely over the exclusion of Nick Ferrari from the upcoming mayoral primary. On last night's Newsnight the pug-faced pugilist confirmed that if the Tory party wait a year, he will be pleased to be their candidate.
Ironically he was appearing on the sofa next to Steve Norris. The contrast between the two men was striking.
Ferrari really is an idiot - he attacked David Cameron for having no policies, then attacked him over the A-list. Norris, class act that he is, smoothly defended the new leader and the controversial A-team. No-one ever said that every constituency would be picking an A-list candidate, he soothed. There will still be a place for fat middle-aged white guys in the Tory party.
Oh, Steve, if only we could persuade you to reconsider and stand for mayor a third time.
Ferrari was bumptious and nervous out of his usual radio environment. In front of the harsh lights of a TV studio, he looked like a cut-price hooligan, his gerbil-cheeks stuffed with crap one-liners that might work on his odious radio rant but sounded tinny and trivial on TV.
If he succeeds in his ambiton to put himself before the people of London as their mayor, he will be the most disastrous choice since Lord Archer.
The Tories will hopefully realise what a maverick he is, not to mention what a dick he is. Ferrari - where does he get that stupid mid-life crisis "I-have-a-small-penis" name from anyway - could it be that this foaming-at-the-mouth-about-immigrants-and-blacks-ruining-our-country windbag is in fact the child of immigrants himself?
He is a dangerous windbag, he is uncontrollable and he will lose the Tories credibility and tarnish their image. Let him run as an independent as he so often says he will.
The Tories are now talking up Lord Coe, who may be somewhat busy with that little sporting competition he is bringing to town. No, Coe would be an ideal candidate AFTER the Olympics.
Their other bright idea is former top-cop Lord Stevens, formerly Sir John Stevens.
Right - so who would like to vote for a man who headed London's most racist public service during one of its worst periods of bad race relations?
What about you sir - the man at the back whose son was killed? The Met messed up the investigation cos they are a bunch of white middle-aged bigots you say?
Hmm? And you sir? The man who was stopped and searched 100s of times a year as the police figure that a black man in a BMW must mean some sort of criminality? You won't vote for him either?
Yes, it seems the Tories were right to extend the deadline to allow more 'suitable' candidates to come forward.
One happy note - you know that this lame-assed government is taking time to pan your idea, you must be doing something right. The pure comedy genius of Hazel Blears taking time out from rearranging the seats on the deck of the Titanic to mock your move towards more democracy was worth having to listen to Nick Ferrari. Almost.
Ironically he was appearing on the sofa next to Steve Norris. The contrast between the two men was striking.
Ferrari really is an idiot - he attacked David Cameron for having no policies, then attacked him over the A-list. Norris, class act that he is, smoothly defended the new leader and the controversial A-team. No-one ever said that every constituency would be picking an A-list candidate, he soothed. There will still be a place for fat middle-aged white guys in the Tory party.
Oh, Steve, if only we could persuade you to reconsider and stand for mayor a third time.
Ferrari was bumptious and nervous out of his usual radio environment. In front of the harsh lights of a TV studio, he looked like a cut-price hooligan, his gerbil-cheeks stuffed with crap one-liners that might work on his odious radio rant but sounded tinny and trivial on TV.
If he succeeds in his ambiton to put himself before the people of London as their mayor, he will be the most disastrous choice since Lord Archer.
The Tories will hopefully realise what a maverick he is, not to mention what a dick he is. Ferrari - where does he get that stupid mid-life crisis "I-have-a-small-penis" name from anyway - could it be that this foaming-at-the-mouth-about-immigrants-and-blacks-ruining-our-country windbag is in fact the child of immigrants himself?
He is a dangerous windbag, he is uncontrollable and he will lose the Tories credibility and tarnish their image. Let him run as an independent as he so often says he will.
The Tories are now talking up Lord Coe, who may be somewhat busy with that little sporting competition he is bringing to town. No, Coe would be an ideal candidate AFTER the Olympics.
Their other bright idea is former top-cop Lord Stevens, formerly Sir John Stevens.
Right - so who would like to vote for a man who headed London's most racist public service during one of its worst periods of bad race relations?
What about you sir - the man at the back whose son was killed? The Met messed up the investigation cos they are a bunch of white middle-aged bigots you say?
Hmm? And you sir? The man who was stopped and searched 100s of times a year as the police figure that a black man in a BMW must mean some sort of criminality? You won't vote for him either?
Yes, it seems the Tories were right to extend the deadline to allow more 'suitable' candidates to come forward.
One happy note - you know that this lame-assed government is taking time to pan your idea, you must be doing something right. The pure comedy genius of Hazel Blears taking time out from rearranging the seats on the deck of the Titanic to mock your move towards more democracy was worth having to listen to Nick Ferrari. Almost.