Seems that the Blairs have found a way to steal Gordon Brown's thunder. She is reported to have publicly said that Brown is a 'liar' for saying he has enjoyed working for her husband.
She was watching the Brown speech on a monitor outside the conference hall, and witnesses, including a Bloomberg journalist, are clear she said "well, that is a lie" when Brown mentioned his joy at working under Blair.
It was made worse when her father, apparently drunk, unleashed a flurry of invective on the head of Brown, saying that while the Blairs were on holiday the Chancellor was ordering new curtains for the Downing St flat. No it didn't make much sense to me either.
Downing St said that the story is untrue, but it would not be the first time Cherie has said the wrong thing.
More news from the front - John Reid has said on the record that the loss of Blair as leader would make it more likely that Labour would lose the next election.
"I think he was stupid to himself and to our future prospects in saying he was going but he said it," Mr Reid said at a fringe event.
Aaah unity. It's a wonderful thing.