You read that right! MPs are apparently feeling hard done by. While it seems their "contemporaries" in business and other public sectors are on the magic 100k, out poor members of Parliament have to make do with a mere 60k.
Some quick reality checks here for those honourable members behind this eye-catching initiative.
They take on nothing like the responsibility of a GP. Stop comparing yourselves to GPs. You have no formal qualifications for a start. You are in the main a bunch of below-average people. Not all of you. But at least half of you would struggle to do half as much as a senior civil servant.
I find it grossly insulting to other professions that MPs would see themselves as on a par with them.I know doctors and senior civil servants. In both cases they do more work, and have WAY more responsibility than almost all MPs. MPs are actually responsible for fuck all. They mostly take care of constituency matters and spend the rest of the time fighting amongst themselves, preening nad parading around like the attention seekers they are.Now they want more money.
Despite being on three times the national average wage. Despite having all their travel and office expenses paid ON TOP OF their salary. OK lads. Fine. We will pay you 100k a year - when you cull half of your number. There are a hell of a lot of you who are a waste of space. So here is how this will work. If you honestly think you are worth big money, interview for your job.
Lets inject a bit of reality into the process. And dont talk about elections thats not a job interview. People arent voting for you in 90% of cases, they are voting for party. It is such an insight into the warped mindset of MPs that they think they are worth as much to the country as a GP. I met most of them. They aren't.
We could happily function with less than 300 MPs - instead we have 646. And if Blair gets his way, the House of Lords will be full of yet more second rate political hacks, no doubt bitching about how badly paid being a peer is.