Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Nutter claims he had gay sex with Obama

And they took class A drugs together too!

So says one Larry Sinclair, an ugly, overweight, middle-aged, sartorially challenged drug abuser, whose wild and probably delusional claims have been given some worrying coverage in America.

To summarise Sinclair told equally deranged far right "news" service WorldNetDaily (A Free Press For A Free People) that in 1999 in the back of a limo he took coke while the then Illinois state Senator smoked some crack.

He then gave Obama a blow job in a Chicago hotel room and performed a similar sex act at another location.

"My motivation for making this public is my desire for a presidential candidate to be honest," he told WorldNetDaily.

"I didn't want the sex thing to come out. But I think it is important for the candidate to be honest about his drug use as late as 1999."

Sinclair has of course aired his "revelations" on that home of nutters, YouTube, see video at the bottom of this entry, and has got close to 400,000 hits.

Sinclair has filed a federal lawsuit against Obama in Minnesota district court. He is also suing campaign consultant David Axelrod and the Democratic National Committee, claiming slander, internet harassment, physical threats, and attempts to suppress his speech in violation of his First Amendment rights.

Respected politics website, (which helpfully informs visitors that it is "not affiliated (with) or endorsed by the US government) has offered Sinclair $10,000 to take a lie detector test.

And do you know, he has accepted. must be pretty confident that he isn't the full shilling - they are offering him $100,000 if he passes the polygraph.

"We're going to meet him on Tuesday, February 26th at an undisclosed location in New York City," they said in a story posted on Monday.

"We've picked a polygraph expert, too: a renowned expert who has been involved in quite a few high-profile cases who we're not going to name until the results are not only in, but have been verified by a second renowned expert.

"Then, we'll post the results, the names of both polygraph experts, and other relevant information, along with video and pictures, here on

"Since the outcome of the test will be vital interest to the voting public, our findings will be made available before the presidential primaries in Texas and Ohio slated for March 4. That's all for now, but check back for updates. "

Obama has been candid about the fact that as a much younger man he dabbled in drugs. Who hasn't? Well two of the UK party leaders clearly have.

What should be worrying the good people at is that a) delusional people often pass lie detector tests because they do actually believe what they are saying and b) cocaine addicts are about the most delusional people around, they lie even more than alcoholics and the coke makes them super-confident!

Meanwhile Obama beat the Hillary lady in the Wisconsin primary and the Hawaii caucus, giving him ten wins in a row.

Let's hope he can keep it up. As it were.