Funniest story of the day has to be David Cameron's revelation that he was approached by the KGB.
Apparently when the Tory pin-up was a fresh-faced 18 year-old he took a gap year between Eton and Oxbridge.
While in Russia he and a friend were approached by two middle-aged men with suspiciously good English:
"They took us out to dinner and interrogated us in a friendly way about life in England and what we thought and politics," he told Radio 4 programme Desert Island Discs.
Hmm - KGB? Would a floppy-haired teenager just out of school be of any use to them?
It sounds like those two well-dressed well-educated men may have wanted something else from the pretty English public schoolboy...
If I get the chance I will ask Cameron a bit more about what they quizzed him on - such as what goes on after lights out in the dormitories of Eton!