In the end I voted Green. I got angry with three Respect names on the ballot. I got annoyed by some dickhead from the LibDems tryin to accost me as I entered the polling station. He just looked like a LibDem - limp effette. His presence and annoying questions lost me to their cause immediately.
I got into the station, the usual strained banter with the local council workers overseeing voting. Let out of the office for the day, they are excitable and one explains he will be working at the count later - he might not get home until four or five in the morning! Cripes! Imainge being out that late!!! What an adventure.
In the end I use all my 3 votes on the Greens. I feel sorry for them. They have been cycling in all weathers and trying hard to help the environment in little ways for over 20 years.
Now some moon-faced public school boy rocks up on a bike and suddenly the Tories are the Green Party.
Poor real Greens. Bless them - they are true believers. So they got my vote.
At least it is better than the general election whereby politicsjunkie was distracted while in the booth and accidently voted for the Conservative candidate! The shame!
I was too embarrased to go back and ask for another ballot paper, (can you imagine, with those council workers looking at me, as I explain that despite my superior education, I appear to be unable to follow the simplest of instructions)
So I voted Tory for the first time in my life!
Simon Hughes won the seat though, so it was no biggie.