It wasn't a vicious attack by any means. Rogue Tory Douglas Carswell has said what many of his colleagues think: the House of Commons needs serious reform and that cannot begin until the Speaker stands down.
He has broken a strong convention of the House, namely that the Speaker is above both party politics and public reproach, and by attacking him Carswell is attacking the Commons itselt.
Not quite. While he can expect a chat with the Whips, it would be stupid and petty of the Speaker not to call him in debates.
And his point is valid, and it could be argued he is acting in defence of the best traditions of the House.
The Speaker's own expenses are the subject of investigation and tabloid fodder adding to the gaiety of the nation on a weekly basis. Perhaps it is he who should consider if that damages the Speakership?
Carswell, the MP for Harwich, is an ardent campaigner for a range of parliamentary reforms.
"We need to clean up Westminster politics and take action to restore faith in our political system," he told the Mail on Sunday.
"Speaker Martin must step down. Perhaps not immediately, but he needs to set a date for his departure now.
"Until Speaker Martin goes, we will make little progress with anything else."
The photo is from Douglas Carswell's website.