Sunday, July 09, 2006

Thanks for the questions

Thanks to all of you who sent in questions for MPs. Some of them were even ruder than I could have imagined - well done!
I interviewed Theresa Villiers last week so no more questions for her - she is the MP for Chipping Barnet and yes, she is well chippy.
Within 5 minutes she had accused me of libelling the entire Tory party, for implying that the parties they want in their new grouping in the EU were homophobic. Bloody barristers - always with the libel.
Anyway that interview should be up on the website in the near future.

IF you have any suggestions for me please email me. Who would you like to see interviewed? What questions do you have for MPs or any other politicians?

Someone suggested I try for an interview with Tracy Temple, who as you all know was John Prescott's saucy secretary. Given the amount of rumour surrounding the DPM's other extra-marital activities, she may well turn out to be just the first of many!