It was the second episode of political fantasy drama The Amazing Mrs Pritchard tonight. I know I shouldn't, but I really like it.
Of course there are glaring errors in it, and they seem to think the Queen is actually Alan Bennett in drag, but the hopeful premise that people can change things through politics appeals to me.
They do portray David Cameron as a bit of a shit, which is interesting. Jane Horrocks is of course fab as the supermarket manager who thinks she can do better than politicians, and gets her Purple Alliance elected in a landslide.
One thing that really does bug me about this series, and others, is this trend to have newsreaders and journalists play themselves. For a start, because it is a BBC programme, only BBC news staff appear.
More importantly, don't Huw Edwards and Nick Robinson have better things to do with their time than ponce about 'acting' themselves? Are the BBC saying there are no actors out there that can adequately portray a news reader or a political reporter?
This trend has been increasing - Edwards was doing some shocking over acting in an episode of Doctor Who set in the 2012 Olympics. Nick Robinson will be needing a bloody Equity card given the amount of fictional TV he appears in. Don't even talk to me about Andrew Marr 'acting' in Doctor Who. Again. Not like they are short on the budget for actors. Fucking hire one then.
BBC News should put a stop to all. It devalues their staff. It makes them look less serious and makes news look like a branch of entertainment.