After nine years in power, Labour have finally brought forward a Green Paper on children in care.
The new focus on kids who look to the state to provide protection was trailed by Education Secretary Alan Johnson at the Labour party conference last month.
Proposals include properly paying foster parents and minimising the amount of times children in care are moved from home to home.
The future prospects for kids in care make for grim reading.
"Children in care are five times less likely to achieve five good GCSE's and nine times more likely to be expelled from school. One quarter of people in prison today have spent some time in our care system. This Government have introduced a number of measures to try to address the complex problems of children in care.
"Since 1997, we have invested almost £1 billion in the quality protects initiative to improve outcomes for children in care. We have taken steps to encourage adoption instead of care, and we have placed a duty on local authorities to improve educational outcomes for this specific group of children. However, this has clearly not been enough."
The plight of children cared for by the state is a national disgrace. Hopefully MPs will take this opportunity to deliver real change for the kids who need it most.