Tonight I am off to villagedrinks
It is a networking event for professional London homosexualists. By which I do not mean people who are professionally from London, or people that are professionally gay. I mean people who work in the professions (law, politics, the City) and are gay. And are in London.
Basically its like just an event that is chav free, and no-one is under 18 or over 60! Which makes it quite unusual for a gay night in London.
The organisers also are careful to price it out of the reach of students, with a 6 pounds door charge. On a Tuesday night.
Last time I spotted Alan Duncan, surrounded by a posse of posh Tory boys. The time before that I spotted Plaid MP Adam Price.
I figure if I am going to find a proper boyfriend who isn't either a slut, mental or stupid, this might be the place to do it.