When David Mililband made his statement on the Stern report to the House of Commons yesterday, my friend had just emailed me with a challenge. How is it that there are no good looking MPs?
Well in the "Britain's Next Top Model" sense he is absolutely right. There are not any lookers - a situation that might change after the next election if Tory A-listers Zac Goldsmith and Adam Rickett get elected.
Personally I have a bit of a soft spot for James Purnell, the pretty boy MP for Stalybridge & Hyde.
Some girl I met at a party on Saturday night mention that her MP, James Clappinson, is a cutie. Shows you doesn't it, women have no taste.
As I was not really paying attention to what Miliband was saying, I did envisage a situation where I would sleep with him - well he is in the cabinet.
It was the opposition bench that caught my eye - there was "Cameron's gay guru," Greg Barker. He really does not look like the type of guy to have an affair. This led me to muse on that old saying that power is sexy.
Looking at most of the powerful people in Westminster, it seems that the aphrodisiac of power would explain the affairs of Blunkett, Prescott and Robin Cook. None of them are lookers, all of them have serious personality flaws, yet women swoon over them.
No, it must be power. Though I have to admit that when I met Nick Clegg, he knocked me for six with his sheer charisma. But I didnt want to shag him!
Do you think an MP is dishy? Do let me know.